Community Council Blog
Community Council Digest
Posted on : 24th October 2011
Full Minutes of Community Council Meetings are posted on the Community Council Page once they have been approved and can then be viewed or downloaded. In the meantime, a summary of main points or decisions taken in recent meetings follow:
- Cllr JD reported that relocation of the Ambulance Station to the Police/One Stop Shop Building had been successfully blocked.
- Nithsdale View development. Plan has now been withdrawn, but another is expected.
- Trees: Information coming in: no objections so far from those consulted to pollarding exercise.
- Hanging Baskets: businesses have been circulated, advising that we will collect baskets in this week.
- Businesses please note: Xmas Shopping Night meeting scheduled for next Monday, 24 October, 7pm in Friendship Club: your involvement valued and invited.
- Community Hospitals Watch Group intend to commission a report by Dr Helen Tucker of Warwick University to see about turning Community Hospitals into hubs of Community Care. Perceived risk, at present, of Allanbank being touted as a ‘potential Community Hospital for Nithsdale….taking pressure off DGRI’ – in other words, undermining our own, and similar, hospitals.
- Mr Mike Steele (Closeburn CC) reported that there is an application in by a Spanish Multinational, Acciona, to put up 16 turbines in the area behind Closeburn Church.. He has already written to Planning Dept, seeking a delay in the consideration of the application, pending the putting together of detailed objections. He requests we, and others, do likewise. Click here for sample letter.
- Closeburn Quarry: seems to have gone away
- Community Centre Playpark: refurbishment coming. Some new equipment possible, but Application needs to be submitted first. Won’t be in time for this November’s deadline but we’d be at front of queue for next year.
- Website: as much notice as possible, please (ideally a fortnight) for material to go on the Site; it can take Google abut a fortnight to pick up on things.
- Some concern about local lack of awareness of Site. Community Transport bus shortly going for some exterior refurbishment and a graphic, ‘visit us at’ will be added to it. Stickers, of the sort used by car dealers, possibly to be supplied to shops etc
- Tattoo: Initial Meeting re this held; Sanquhar Silver Band booked; B&Q Pipe Band, also Annan Pipe Band to be approached. Meeting again 18/11/2011, FS Club.
- Duke William Building now for sale. Agreed to look into whether this might not be a better, and simpler, alternative to redeveloping the Scout Hut Site. Once this is settled, a sub-committee to take project forward will be needed. Volunteers (whether Members of Community Council or not) welcome
- Problems noted with flooding (blocked rainwater drains) in East Morton St. and one or two other locations. Being reported.
- Next Meeting: Monday, 21/11/2011, 7.15pm, in FS Club. All Welcome