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Boat Brae Temporary Diversion
Posted on : 18th November 2011

Dumfries and Galloway Council gives notice that it intends under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to implement a temporary diversion at U410n Boatbrae, Thornhill, on Sunday 20 November 2011 between 08:00 hours and 18:00 hours.

The temporary diversion is necessary to facilitate telecommunication cabling works.

The alternative route is via A702, A76 Drumlanrig Street, U413n New Street and vice versa. Click here to view a plan of the diversion.

Development Team Leader (Nithsdale), DGFirst, Wayside Depot, Annan Road, Dumfries, DG1 3JX

(Tel – 01387 271171)


MapWhere we are

Thornhill is at the heart of Dumfries & Galloway in south west Scotland in the beautiful rolling countryside of Nithsdale, steeped in history both natural & physical.

1.5 Hours from Edinburgh by Car.
1.5 Hours from Glasgow by Car.
2 Hours from Newcastle by Car.